5 Reasons Toilets Bubble (With Solutions)

By |Published On: October 23rd, 2020|Categories: Residential Plumbing, Sewer Systems|

Why your toilet bubbles and how can it become a major problem?

Don’t be afraid! If your toilet begins to bubble or gurgle, it means that there is abnormal suction building up in the line, causing air to push back, create bubbles, and even cause the toilet to flush.
But you’ve heard the warning signs, and can now take the proper steps to correct it.
If left alone, toilet bubbling can lead to unwanted waste overflowing your toilets, showers, and tubs, creating even larger nastier issues. Below is how to find the root of the problem, the necessary steps to fix it, and how we can help at New Flow Plumbing.

Reasons Toilets Bubble

After flushing, toilet bubbling can occur due to clogging.

5 Common issues and how to fix them!

Here is how to identify where the source of the problem is located, and how to fix each one. Some may require professional help, but others can be done right from home with your very own skills.

1. A clogged toilet

We are all too familiar when something that’s not supposed to be flushed… gets flushed. Paper towels, tissues, feminine products, cigarette butts, and “flushable” wipes, are usually the main culprits. In this case, the plunger and sewer snake are your go-to tools.

Reasons Toilets Bubble

If the clog is close to the surface, a plunger should clear it out.


Seal off any other fixtures in the bathroom (tub, sink, shower,) with duct tape before plunging the toilet. This will keep pressure from escaping and allow it to clear the drain line.
If the clog is close to the surface, 10 to 15 firm pumping motions should remove it.

If the plunger doesn’t do the job, a manual or mechanized sewer snake (or plumber’s auger), should clear out the harder to reach and tougher clogs.

2. A faulty cistern

Inside the cistern, the flapper is responsible for flushing and refilling the tank with clean water.
Check to see if the flapper is damaged or faulty, and is preventing water to properly drain.

Reasons Toilets Bubble

Dirty flush toilet mechanism in restroom


If the flapper is defective, changing it out for a brand new one should clear the issue up. If the problem is the entire cistern mechanism, then the whole cistern will need to be replaced.

3. A blocked vent stack

The vent stack is a vertical pipe leading to your roof that helps control your plumbing air pressure and releases exhaust gas. It is not supposed to be sealed, closed, or blocked, which will lead to reverse suction and cause bubbling.
Another sign the vent may be the issue is a gassy odor smell leaking into the house.

Reasons Toilets Bubble

Chimneys on a building rooftop against a blue sky.


The most usual vent blockage comes from birds building nests. Other small animals or leaves may build up in the vent, and prevent it from doing its job.
Note: Since the pipe is on the roof, take caution when attempting to clear out any debris from the vent.

If the vent is unreachable or the clog is not near the surface, New Flow Plumbing is more than happy to help. Reach out for home plumbing issues here.

4. A clogged mainline (contact us!)

The mainline leads all the wastewater from your home’s fixtures to your city connection. If the clog affects your entire house, such as a one toilet flushing causes another to bubble, then the issue is likely the main.
Reasons Toilets Bubble

The mainline can be the cause of toilet bubbling.


The mainline is more difficult to access and used to be very expensive to fix if damaged. Not anymore!
New Flow Plumbing offers trenchless sewer repair which is a time-saving, cost-effective, and lasting solution.
The traditional repair involves tearing and ripping out floors, walls, and dirt from your yard which will cost you more money. With trenchless, we solve the issue without tearing up your house.
Trenchless sewer repair uses very little digging. Just two, 4ft by 4ft pits to gain access to the pipe. Traditional sewer repair that used to take days now takes only hours. When New Flow Plumbing is done, you don’t need to break the bank trying to repair the damage left behind.
Note: Sometimes a sewer pipe is so badly damaged that no trenchless repair method is usable.

When it’s impossible to use a trenchless repair method, we use conventional sewer replacement methods. Nonetheless, contact us and we can find the solution that works for you.

5. Clogged or damaged city connection

In this case, the source of the problem is out of your hands and now falls into your utility company or city municipal department. If your entire house is affected, ask your neighbors if they are having similar problems. If so, check your water provider and report the issue promptly.
If attempting to resolve the issues on your own doesn’t seem to work and the bubbling continues, call us at (310) 861-3463
New Flow Plumbing can perform a CCTV sewer inspection that can locate precise clogs in your pipes, and snake them out. We can easily solve your problems and make life that much easier!

About the Author: Arman

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