PEX stands for Cross-Linked Polyethylene and is a plumbing pipe substitute for copper, PVC, and CPVC. It is a kind of flexible pipe that has recently become more well-liked. PEX synthetic piping is a preferred choice for do-it-yourselfers and new building projects as a substitute for copper and galvanized piping.
Advantages Of PEX Piping
- Increase water pressure (fewer fittings are used). It is available in 20′ straight, 100′, and 300′ rolls. Water services from the street to the house are ideal.
- One of its best qualities is flexibility. You can make turns that don’t exceed the manufacturer’s recommended radius without fittings. For the ground to settle once your water supply has been installed, this is extremely important.
- Less prone to freezing, PEX has some insulating qualities and expansion characteristics incorporated into the pipe.
- There is calm. When closing valves quickly or turning off faucets, you won’t hear a hammering sound with PEX.
- Won’t corrode or become brittle like CPVC pipe or galvanized pipe.
- Since welding does not employ an open flame torch, there is a reduced risk of fire during installation or repair.
- Much superior product and less expensive to install than copper.
Disadvantages Of PEX Piping
- PEX should not be used outside. PEX degrades rapidly when exposed to ultraviolet radiation; tubing left out can harden and split in months.
- Because PEX does not melt like other recyclable plastics, it cannot yet be recycled. But if PEX becomes more well-known, there will undoubtedly be greater demand for a recycling mechanism.
PEX Useful Hints
- Only use the specified PEX connection tools for the best results. For instance, using pliers to crimp a connecting ring won’t result in as tight of a fit as using a PEX crimping tool.
- Since UV radiation deteriorates PEX pipes, keep them indoors and away from windows that get a lot of suns.
- To create neat end cuts that will be simpler to deal with, use a PEX cutter.
What’s The Best Way To Connect PEX To My Plumbing Fixtures?
Several ways. If the connection will be visible, such as under a wall-hung sink, use a copper stub-out (left). Connect your fixture to the half-inch copper stub-out and a compression-type shutdown valve. Running PEX directly to the shutoff valve under a kitchen sink or vanity cabinet eliminates a connection. Use a drop-ear bend support to tighten the tubing (right). Several PEX-connected shutdown valves exist.
If your manifold system has valves, you may not need a fixture shutoff valve. Consult your plumber. Add one, though. It costs less and is handier than running downstairs to turn off the water during repairs.
When It Freezes, Will Pex Crack Or Split?
Despite the manufacturers’ reluctance to admit it, reports from the field indicate that PEX can tolerate freezing. However, it would be best if you still prevented the tubing from freezing. It can expand and compress, so it breaks less frequently than rigid piping.
What’s Next?
Contact New Flow Plumbing if you have any additional queries regarding PEX plumbing. Our team is indeed ready to assist you with all your plumbing needs. Call us now!